
In April, the number of persons registering for work increased by 2,231 persons when compared to the corresponding month in 2019. When compared to March 2020, unemployment in April increased by 87%.

The number of unemployed persons in April stood at 3,979 compared to 2,125 people one month earlier when unemployment was already on the rise. In actual fact unemployment in April increased by 140% when compared to February 2020 when unemployment stood at 1,659.

466 people were made redundant in March 2020 and a further 1,854 in April 2020 meaning that from the beginning of March the COVID pandemic costed a total of 2,320 jobs. Yet, these figures do not take into account foreigners who lost their job because of COVID-19 and were or are to be repatriated.

Foreign Affairs Minister Evarist Bartolo said that in March alone, a total of 4,200 EU nationals had been provided assistance to return home, while 2,269 EU nationals are still waiting to be repatriated. A further 3,131 non-EU nationals have also sought help to return to their respective countries, bringing the total of the past two months to 9,600.

Consequently, whilst the increase in registered unemployment over the past two months is high, the real amount of layings-off could possibly be even higher.

The charts below illustrate the segmentation of the 2,320 jobs that were lost between March and April.


Unemployment among males increased by 109% while unemployment among females increased by 211% in April 2020 when compared to February 2020.


In percentage terms, the largest increases where registered in the 20 -24 and 25-29 age groups with an increase of 226% and 309% respectively in April 2020 when compared to February 2020.


Unemployment in Malta and Gozo went up by 145% and 92% respectively in April 2020 when compared to February 2020.


In percentage terms, Unemployment increased the most amongst Technicians and associate professionals with an increase of 252% in April 2020 when compared to February 2020