
Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds Hon. Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi and Rev Fr Christopher Caruana OP Prior inaugurated the new cultural and religious tourism experience within St. Dominic’s Priory in Rabat.  This project was co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 through support of more than €280,000.

Located in the 15th century Priory the cultural and religious tourism experience includes the rooms surrounding the cloister which through this project were transformed into an ecclesiastical museum, audio-visual centre, and auditorium.

The history and culture of the Maltese Dominican Order is portrayed in an audio-visual dimension, delving also into its religious perspective over the years.

Visitors will be able to enjoy an immersive and vivid historical experience through various projections working in tandem to illuminate the entire room in a harmonised synthesis, transporting visitors through time and space.

The fusion of audio-visual technology and the priceless display of ecclesiastical artifacts will enchant visitors, providing a better understanding of the history, the cultural milieu of building, the exhibits within the museum, and the Priory itself.

The auditorium now also includes various amenities to accommodate large group of visitors, offering deeper informative insights for the religious and cultural tourist.

This project implemented by the Humanitas Foundation, a voluntary organisation set up within the Dominican priory, was made possible through an investment of more than €420,000 partially supported by European Regional Development Fund and realised over a period of three years.

Those looking to obtain further details on this centre can do so by contacting humanitasmalta@gmail.com or visit https://humanitasmalta.org/

The EMCS Advisory team worked on and successfully secured the above mentioned EU Funds.
