The State of the Maltese Economy

Exchange Building in Valleta Valleta, Valleta, Malta

EMCS together with the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise & Industry are organising a morning seminar titled “The State of the Maltese Economy”. This event will be held on the 27th March at the Exchange Building in Valletta. The Speakers will include leading economists who will give an in-depth analysis of the Maltese economy, as well as the Prime Minister of Malta Dr. Joseph Muscat and the Leader of the Opposition Dr. Adrian Delia. Please watch this space for further updates on this event

EU funded restoration works

Restoration works on the Holy Family Church in Bidnija were completed with an investment of around €85,000 co-financed by European funds which were secured by EMCS Ltd. The project was inaugurated this morning by the Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi and Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds and Social Dialogue Aaron Farrugia. The Administrative Secretary of the...

Inauguration of restored Mdina Apse

Tlesta x‑xogħol ta’ restawr u konservazzjoni fuq il‑pittura fl‑apside tal‑Katidral ta’ San Pawl, l‑Imdina, li sar mill‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta b’kofinanzjament minn fondi tal‑Unjoni Ewropea. Dan il‑proġett b’investiment ta’ €70,000 ġie inawgurat mill‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi. Il‑pittura li ġiet irrestawrata kienet ikkummissjonata lil Mattia Preti fl‑1688 u saret fuq il‑ħajt tal‑knisja l‑antika, jiġifieri dik li kien...

Ringing of the bell

EMCS Tax & Advisory is proud to have supported as Corporate Advisor KA Finance plc with the issuing of a 4.75% €6 million secured callable bond 2026-2029 on the Prospects MTF market.

Webinar – Navigating these Troubled Waters

  Many Businesses leaders are facing unprecedented challenges across various levels from dealing with immediate very pressing problems and also preparing their business for the future which will likely be based on a very different business environment businesses where used to until very recently. In this course we tackle various common themes and businesses are...

Webinar – From MIFID II to the virtual Financial Assets Act

  BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) is the EU legislation that regulates firms who provide services to clients linked to ‘financial instruments’ and the venues where those instruments are traded. MiFID II came into effect in January 2018, with the aim of improving the functioning of financial markets in light of...

Webinar – Revitalising SME’s through EU Grants and other support measures

The objective of this session is to increase awareness amongst MIA members about EU Grant Schemes and other support measures open to SMEs. During this session Ms Alison Mizzi, EU Business Advisory, will discuss these, explaining the benefits of each and what businesses would be eligible for such aid.


The Funds and Programming Division (Managing Authority of the EAFRD) has commissioned an evaluation study on the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. The evaluation is being carried out by EMCS with the participation of E-Cubed Consultants Ltd and Adi Associates who are currently in the process of undertaking a thematic evaluation on young farmers, more specifically...


Do you Lead or Micromanage?

Online , Malta

ONLINE COURSE   SYNOPSIS More than ever businesses need good leaders, but instead we seem to have businesses filled with Micromanagers. The reality is that no one likes to be micromanaged. It’s frustrating, demoralising and demotivating. Yet, some managers can’t seem to help themselves. To make things worse most micromanagers do not even know that...


Online , Malta

SURVEY ON “SCAMS AND FRAUD EXPERIENCED BY CONSUMERS” (Malta) A research study conducted by EMCS for ĠEMMA EMCS was earlier this year commissioned by ĠEMMA Know, Plan, Act to conduct a survey to establish computer and mobile online usage, security awareness, online purchasing trends, scam awareness and the extent to which the Maltese population have...