
EMCS has managed to secure €137,000 in EU Funds for the restoration works on two chapels both dedicated to the Assumption of Our Lady, referred to as the “ta’ Bernarda” and “ta’ Żellieqa” chapels.

The ta’ Żellieqa chapel lies on the periphery of Għargħur overlooking Wied il-Faħam, and its name is believed to reflect the slippery nature of the sloping area the chapel is located in. The present chapel was built in the 17th century, on the site of an earlier one.

The ta’ Bernarda chapel, meanwhile, takes the name of Bernarda Cauchi, the benefactor who made its construction possible through her endowment in 16th century. The chapel, which is found at the heart of Għargħur’s old centre, was rebuilt on the same site in the 1650s.

Both chapels required restoration works in their exterior and interior, to address the deterioration brought about over the years.

The works at ta’ Żellieqa chapel, included the restoration of its parvis. Concurrently, the Għargħur parish took the opportunity to restore the chapel’s titular painting at its own expense.

Ta’ Bernarda chapel restoration works included new lighting and audio systems to better serve the community. Two historic paintings within the chapel are set to be restored in the future.

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