Successful Projects
EU Grants
- Pieta local council - EMCS has successfully assisted the Pieta Local Council in obtaining €85,000 under EEA Norway Grants 2014-2021. The main aim of the project is to create an adaptable council structure through the community centre where activities such as educational training courses, art exhibitions, exercise classes or craft sessions can be easily carried out.
- Ta' Xbiex local council - EMCS has successfully assisted the Pieta Local Council in obtaining €85,000 under EEA Norway Grants 2014-2021. The main aim of the project is to provide a cleaner, more hygienic, and greener area as well as a safer pedestrian zone for all the frequent users of Ta’ Xbiex seafront promenade.
- The Archbishop's Curia - EMCS was able to secure €2.2 million worth of ERDF funding for the restoration and conservation of structures, chapels, churches and religious artefacts across the Island.
- St Dominic's Province in Rabat - EMCS was able to secure €0.5 million worth of ERDF funding for the setting up of a cultural and religious experience within St Dominic's Priory.
- Public Broadcasting Services Ltd – EMCS was able to secure €4 million worth of ERDF Funding for a project involving the digitising of PBS footage n order to make it easily accessible for present and future generations with the aim to enhancing the Cultural Tourism Experience through Digitization.
- Malta Communications Authority – EMCS has secured €0.3 million worth of ESF Funding for a project aiming to design and deliver an accredited training programme specializing on eCommerce, including the development of a virtual learning environment.
- Malta Communications Authority – EMCS has secured €0.5 million worth of ESF Funding for the Star Kids Project aiming to reach out to disadvantaged children to improve their life chances through ICT.
EU Project Management
Fondazzjoni ghall-Patrimonju Kulturali tal-Arcdjocesi ta’ Malta - Conserving, protecting and promoting ecclesiastical cultural heritage
Spanning over 16 Maltese localities this project seeks to achieve the restoration of external structures of churches and chapels, restoration of artefacts, valorisation of religious historical artefacts and documentation as well as the creation of a heritage trail and undertaking of marketing initiatives.
Under this project EMCS was able to secure our client €2.2 million worth of EU funding in order to undertake these various restoration works and is now current managing and co-ordinating the implementation of the project.
Humanitas Foundation – Setting up of a cultural and religious tourism experience within St Dominic’s Priory
We also assisted the Humanitas Foundation in their project currently being developed into an interactive museum. This project focuses on enhancing the tourism experience within the historical Dominican Priory located in Rabat, specifically by setting up a cultural and religious experience, including an ecclesiastical museum within the Priory.
The aim of this space is to provide visitors with a unique experience portraying the historical and cultural values of the Dominican Fathers. This will be made up of a display of historical ecclesiastical artefacts that are owned by the Dominican Community in Malta, together with the development of an audio-visual centre, and the creation of space for deeper insights for religious tourists.
For the development of this experience EMCS was able to secure €0.5 million of ERDF 204-2020 funds, falling under the initiative of investing in natural and cultural assets and is now current managing and co-ordinating the implementation of the project.
St Monica School - Greener Schools for tomorrow
This project covering the St Monica School’s three campuses in Gzira, Birkirkara and Mosta falls under the programme’s priority of shifting towards a low carbon economy. As renewable energy plays a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other forms of pollution. This project consists of the investment in renewable energy sources through the installation of a photovoltaic system at the three schools in Malta.
EMCS has been entrusted with the management and co-ordination of the implementation of this project.
Trade Malta
This project, funded from the ERDF, provided for an Internationalization Knowledge Platform aiming to assist SMEs to be better prepared to internationalize by investing in a knowledge infrastructure. EMCS has provided temporary project management services in relation to this ERDF Project, covering the drafting and evaluation of key project tenders relating to the carrying out of surveys and studies, media services and design of IT platform.
EU Funding: Strategy Development
EU Cohesion Policy
- Provision of consultancy services for drafting of Malta’s Partnership Agreement and Operational Programmes for the 2021-2027 Programming Period.
- Provision of consultancy services for drafting of Malta’s Partnership Agreement and Operational Programmes for the 2014-2020 Programming Period.
- Provision of consultancy services for drafting Malta’s Programme Complement for the 2004-2006 Programming Period.
Fisheries and Aquaculture
- Provision of consultancy services for drafting of Malta’s Operational Programme for the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) 2021-2027.
- Framework Contract EASME/EMFF/2016/029 - Inter-Institutional Service Framework Contracts for better regulation related activities.
- Drafting of the EMFF Operational Programme for Malta 2014 – 2020.
- Drafting of a policy report ‘Strategic Plan for the continued sustainability of the fisheries sector’.
EU Programme Mangement and Training
- Managing Authority for EAFRD: Drafting of the yearly Annual Implementation Report for Malta’s Rural Development Programme.
- Managing Authority for the ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund: Providing Public Procurement training services dedicated to Cohesion Policy Beneficiaries.
- Managing Authority for ESF: Reporting on the ESF Conference held in Malta on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the European Social Fund (ESF), as part of the Maltese Presidency` activities: The ESF Conference - European Social Fund: PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE on 23-24 March 2017.
- Managing Authority for the ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund: Content Writing for a publication issued by the Planning and Priorities Coordination Division within the Parliamentary Secretariat for the EU Presidency 2017 and EU Funds.
- Evaluation activities and ex-post evaluation of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. This assignment addresses the evaluation objectives for Malta’s Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014-2020 in line with the Cohesion Policy and more specifically, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), regulatory provisions. This assignment includes the drafting of annual implementation reports and interim evaluation reports for the programme on an ongoing basis.
- Mid-term evaluation of Erasmus + (2014 – 2020) and the predecessor programmes (more specifically the lifelong learning programme and the youth in action programmes.
- Interim evaluation report of the EMFF Operational Programme implementation in Malta, 2019
- Ex-post evaluation of the EEA & Norway Financial Mechanisms 2009-2014 implemented in Malta, 2017
- Evaluation of the project: just/2014/rgen/ag/gend/7785 equality beyond gender roles, 2017
- Interim evaluation of on-going projects under the Transition Facility Programmes in Malta, 2008