EMCS welcomes Malta’s removal from the Financial Action Task Force grey list, one year after the country was first put under increased scrutiny by international assessors and bodies. This is...
Have you ever considered introducing a voluntary occupational pension scheme as a strategic HR retention tool? The EMCS Academy together with ĠEMMA Know, Plan, Act within the office of the...
We facilitate access to €50,000 investment grant scheme. Sustainable development is today at the heart of the European Green Deal, a strategy that Malta is embracing. Digital and sustainable business...
EMCS secures EU funds to cover 80% of the costs for this project (Eur124,000), the other 20% (Eur31,000) were covered by the parish church and the generosity of its parishioners....
The Ministry for Finance and Employment has released a Press Release in relation to the repayment of taxes that were eligible under the Tax Deferral Scheme launched in March 2020. It...