The State of the Maltese Economy

Exchange Building in Valleta Valleta, Valleta, Malta

EMCS together with the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise & Industry are organising a morning seminar titled “The State of the Maltese Economy”. This event will be held on the 27th March at the Exchange Building in Valletta. The Speakers will include leading economists who will give an in-depth analysis of the Maltese economy, as well as the Prime Minister of Malta Dr. Joseph Muscat and the Leader of the Opposition Dr. Adrian Delia. Please watch this space for further updates on this event

Inauguration of restored Mdina Apse

Tlesta x‑xogħol ta’ restawr u konservazzjoni fuq il‑pittura fl‑apside tal‑Katidral ta’ San Pawl, l‑Imdina, li sar mill‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta b’kofinanzjament minn fondi tal‑Unjoni Ewropea. Dan il‑proġett b’investiment ta’ €70,000 ġie inawgurat mill‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi. Il‑pittura li ġiet irrestawrata kienet ikkummissjonata lil Mattia Preti fl‑1688 u saret fuq il‑ħajt tal‑knisja l‑antika, jiġifieri dik li kien...